The Elimination Diet - Days 13 - 14

Days 13 – 14

I made it to day 14, I’m officially finished phase 2 of the Elimination Diet program!  These last two weeks have both flown by and crawled by.  I’m so looking forward to introducing food back in to my diet!

The first category being reintroduced is citrus.  Given my experience with the apple cider vinegar and what I already suspect, I don’t think this will go well but I’m going to give it a shot.  The book suggests that I add lemon and lime on day 15 and all other citrus on days 16 and 17.  So, I’m going to do lemon and lime, then oranges, then grapefruit.  I’m going to do them one day at a time to see if it make a difference.

I haven’t been feeling very well since the weekend so I haven’t been eating much (it’s not food related) but when I do eat I’ve still been trying to eat a variety of food and it’s going well.  I still have so much food left from my cooking on the weekend but I do need to get more protein.

Beef is supposed to be the third reintroduction category and pork is the 4th.  I’m going to move these categories to the end because 1. I don’t cook meet at home so I will have to try them in a restaurant and if I’ve introduced more food in to my diet, this will be easier and, 2. I may not reintroduce them at all.  I’ve been eating vegan for two weeks and I’m liking it.  I’m not fully committed yet.  I’m also not going to test eggs because I don’t eat eggs, period.   I’ve never liked them.  I bake with egg substitutes at home and eat pastries from vegan restaurants.

I’m not going to lie, I’m quite nervous about the reintroduction phase of this program.  I’ve had such bad luck with eating over the last few years that I don’t know what to expect.  Nerves upset my stomach so I just have to take it one day at a time and let it be what it is.

Overall, I’m so so happy that I stuck to my guns and made it through these two weeks.  It’s definitely been hard but so rewarding.  I feel better then I have in ages.  I'm battling my relationship with food and my body and I'm winning!

Still going strong!


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