The Elimination Diet - Day 2

Day 2

I survived yesterday and made it through the two day liquid cleanse!  And I completed it without cheating!  During my last attempt, I “cheated” by eating mashed avocado just to have something solid, this time, I stuck to the diet.

Prepping for this diet has been expensive because it includes natural foods that aren’t cheap.  In France, the cheapest coconut sugar I can find is 10 Euro.  Now that the staples are bought the day to day shopping is mainly focused on fresh fruit, veggies and grains.  In the long run, it’s going to save me money because I eat out every day.  Another bonus to this plan!

I’m already being tested though, because I love eating out I had to run errands without stopping for a coffee.  For me, that was hard.  I instantly noticed that my body loved the liquid diet and seemed to really relish in all the fruits and veggies, my emotions weren’t having it though, I thought about food all day even though I managed to stay full most of the day.

This is as much of an emotional challenge as it is an eating challenge and I’m so determined to succeed that at this point, persevering through the tough parts is very doable.  I already feel like I’m taking care of myself which is my main focus and makes me feel great.  I’m already winning!

I think I’m going to combine the next few days in to one post because there may not be too many interesting things to report.


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