The Elimation Diet - And So It Begins

Valentine’s Day 2017

Valentine’s Day, even when I’m single, is my favourite day of the year.  It’s a day dedicated to love, my favourite emotion.  I love loving and everything involved with loving.  Sometimes my heart races and I get sweaty palms and sometimes love is smooth and comforting.  I’ll take it all.  What I haven’t been doing is loving my body.  Not that kind of love… I mean, I haven’t been showing my body the respect it deserves.

As I drink my hot chocolate for one, I savour it because I have vowed that tomorrow, February 15, 2017, I will embark on the Elimination Diet in its entirety.  What is the Elimination Diet?  Exactly that, eliminating the majority of food from your diet and reintroducing food categories one by one which can take anywhere up to 3 months depending on how strictly one follows the plan.

Why am I doing this? For the past 4 years, I have been riddled with stomach pain in varying degrees.  While I have done many things to improve my symptoms, I think cleaning my system out and rebuilding it will do me some good.  In a few months I’m going to be 36.  While I still feel 25 most of the time I’ve watched my body change and sometimes take on a life of its own.  As I start moving in to my late 30s I want to be the strongest version of me I can be.

Here’s the thing - I live in France, Bordeaux to be exact, the city that is also in love, in love with wine, cheese, pastries and everything food related that makes all your food dreams come true.  I can barely walk 5 feet without being tempted by another French food dream.  This isn’t going to be easy and it may not even be perfect but it’s the journey I’ve chosen.

If you’re interested in following along, the plan I’m following is

Wish me luck!


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