The Elimination Diet - Days 16 – 19

Days 16 – 19

It happened - I cheated with two cocktails a couple of days ago and It was worth it.  My first main focus was to get through the two-week repair phase authentically so that my stomach had time to heal.  Now that that’s done, I’m okay to be a bit more flexible.  I didn’t feel guilty at all, which kind of surprised me.  I’m so focused to see this program through but maybe that’s why.  One cheat does not feel like a slippery slope.

My second focus is too not get lazy with the program.  I don’t want one cheat to turn in to another and then not wait the extra time to let my stomach settle.  I’m not going to get sloppy.

Days 15 – 17 were the citrus period and it didn’t go well but I wasn’t surprised so really it was a wash.  I waited an extra day to start the second category after drinking so today was my first day on nightshades (day 19).  I tried a lot of nightshade vegetables today and the only reaction I had was when I put extra chilli on my pizza.  Maybe this is a sign – my stomach is starting to handle moderation.  I still have two days to go so we’ll see.

Here are all the benefits I’m feeling:

1.     I’m in a better mood on a regular basis
2.     My body feels lighter than it has in years
3.     My skin has cleared up and my hair is shinier
4.     I feel like I’ve accomplished a very important goal
5.     I’m taking care of my well being
6.     I’ve lost weight
7.     I have a focus outside of work
8.     I’m learning to cook new things
9.     Being a vegan isn’t as hard as I thought
10.  I have a more organized schedule to fit in all the cooking and dish washing

I’m still loving every minute!!


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